This Term Our Value is Responsibility.

Collective Worship

Every morning, we begin our school day by joining together for an act of Christian Collective Worship. This special time is uplifting and often thought provoking and sets us for the day in a positive way. We begin the week by looking at Picture News, sharing ideas about events going on around the world and how they relate to us. During the week we make links between the Bible, our own lives and experiences to the school value for that term. We also have a weekly Choral Worship which is an opportunity to sing together and connect to God. Each week is then finished with a Celebration Worship where good work, behaviour, citizenship in and out of school, attendance and punctuality are recognised by the school community. We also end our worship with a prayer and by stating what we aspire to do as good Christians. The children are encouraged to be involved throughout our Worship which provides an opportunity for pupils to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore their own beliefs. We encourage participation and response through an active involvement in speaking and listening.

Our Worship is also very important in developing community spirit, promoting a common ethos and shared values and reinforcing positive attitudes. We have an active link between the church and school through our weekly acts of Collective Worship which are delivered by members of the local church community. The Worship Wardens are a group of pupils who take a leading role in Collective Worship, we regularly hold meetings to make sure that the worship we deliver is understood, enjoyed and helpful to all at Mareham.

The links with the church year are reflected in school by celebrating important festivals in the church calendar for example: Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter. We also hold Collective Worship in the church as often as possible where parents, governors and friends are invited to join us.


Our School Prayer

God bless my family!

God bless my friends!

Help me to keep trying,

Until the day ends,

Let me be responsible,

And teach me to respect.

If I’m told ‘I’m sorry’,

Then help me to accept.



Collective Worship Policy